Pride House: Chemsex and sexwork

Presentation and panel discussion with actors in the Norwegian gay community on their work with chemsex and sex work and on how to best work with harm reduction to ensure LGBT+ people take drugs in safest possible ways.

Hvor og når

place Youngstorget, Oslo, Norge event 15.06.2019 - 15.06.2019 schedule 19:30 - 21:00


Chemsex is when men who have sex with men (MSM) organize sex parties with the aim of combining sex and illicit drugs. This queer subculture has begun to get attention with different groups working with harm reduction efforts to ensure that MSM in chemsex communities take drugs in safest possible ways. Male sex workers also attend chemsex parties, either private or as paid escorts. Are there some challenges that male sex workers face in chemsex that differ from other men attending these parties?

We have invited Maxime Maes, who is doing both research and consulting on the topic of male sexwork and chemsex. His research focus on the topics of consent, relations with clients, possible addictions in work context and pressure from the gay community about doing chems (illicit drugs).

Maxime Maes will start with a 20-minute presentation of his work and then there will be a panel discussion with other actors in the Norwegian gay community on their work with chemsex and sex work and on how to best work with harm reduction to ensure LGBT+ people take drugs in safest possible ways.

Saturday, 15th June 2019 from 19:30-21:00

Pride House, Youngstorget, Oslo

Organised by Pion in collaboration with HivNorway

Arrangementet foregår på engelsk.